
Environment Variables

Setup environment variables for your project

Here's a list of the environment variables you need to set up for your project:

Variable NameDescriptionLink to get it
DATABASE_URLThe connection URL for the PostgreSQL databaseSame as DATABASE_URL in .env.example file for docker setup
GOOGLE_CLIENT_IDThe client ID for Google authenticationLink
GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRETThe client secret for Google authenticationLink
key_idThe key ID for Razorpay payment gatewayLink
key_secretThe key secret for Razorpay payment gatewayLink
LEMON_SQUEEZY_API_KEYThe API key for Lemonsqueezy payment gatewayLink
LEMON_SQUEEZY_STORE_IDThe store ID for Lemonsqueezy payment gatewayLink
LEMON_SQUEEZY_WEBHOOK_SIGNATUREThe webhook signature for Lemonsqueezy payment gatewayCan be anything, just make sure it's same as the one in the Lemonsqueezy dashboard
GITHUB_CLIENT_IDThe client ID for GitHub authenticationLink
GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRETThe client secret for GitHub authenticationLink
RESEND_API_KEYThe API key for Resend email serviceLink
EMAIL_SERVER_HOSTThe hostname for the email serverSame as EMAIL_SERVER_HOST in .env.example file for docker setup
EMAIL_SERVER_PORTThe port number for the email serverSame as EMAIL_SERVER_PORT in .env.example file for docker setup
EMAIL_SERVER_USERThe username for the email serverSame as EMAIL_SERVER_USER in .env.example file for docker setup
EMAIL_SERVER_PASSWORDThe password for the email serverSame as RESEND_API_KEY
EMAIL_FROMThe email address to send emails fromYour email address from which you want to send emails
NEXTAUTH_SECRETThe secret key for NextAuthCan be anything

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